Request an exemption to web content filtering
Per the TAMUS use of System resources policy and TTI rules of behavior, users must not intentionally access material that the Agency may deem to be offensive, indecent, or obscene. To enforce this policy, Network & Information Systems has employed Cisco Umbrella, a network security and web filtering service, to provide a level of security and protection against websites that host malicious code, phishing holes, and offensive content.
We recognize that, in the course of academic research, there may be a necessity to access material on the Internet that has been categorized as offensive. Should a researcher find that a website being accessed for a legitimate purpose is being blocked, and this aspect of the research has explicit approval from the appropriate authority per the Agency’s official processes for dealing with academic ethical issues, the researcher may request an exemption of the content filtering policy through the Information Security Office.
To request such an exemption, when you are presented with a blocked domain message in your web browser, click the link to request an exemption and provide an explanation of the purpose for accessing the blocked site in the message field. The request will be routed to the Information Security Office to begin the exemption request process.